Services Offered

  • Individual

  • Couples

  • Group

  • Family

  • Video Conferencing

  • Telephone Conferencing

  • Email Communication


  • Sexual Dependency Inventory (SDI) 4.0

    Targeting multiple facets of sexual compulsivity in one assessment, the SDI gives clinicians insight into the evolution of an individual’s sexual behaviors over time, assessing for consequences, modalities (internet usage, masturbation, paraphilia, etc) as well as readiness to change.  The SDI assesses problematic behaviors with over 96% accuracy.

  • Post-Trauma Stress Index – Revised (PTSI-R)

    Interdisciplinary social neuroscience meets trauma, this assessment evaluates the escalation of trauma into possible symptom like depression and PTSD.

  • Inventory for Partner Anxiety, Stress and Trauma (IPAST)

    Taking particular focus on family of origin, attachment styles and resiliency, this assessment analyses reactive responses and the complex traumas that play out within relationships.

  • Money and Work Adaptive Styles Index (MAWASI)

    This diagnostic tool sheds light on unhealthy connections and attachments to money and work.  Bonnie Dendoven’s assessment now has 12 sub-scales evaluating the cognitive, behavioral, and emotional ways in which work and money are out of balance and negatively impacting an individual’s life.

**At this time, I am not accepting any insurance providers.